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Parking General P1 AENA Malaga Lufthavn

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Parking General P1 AENA Malaga Lufthavn logo

Officiel og indendørs parkeringsplads i Malaga Lufthavn, få meter fra terminalen og åben døgnet rundt. Højdebegrænsning: 2,1 m.



Ved indkørsel til parkeringspladsen:

VIGTIGT: Vent venligst foran barrieren, indtil den automatiske nummerpladegenkendelse genkender dit køretøj, og der udstedes automatisk en billet. Du må ikke trykke på knappen. Hvis du trykker på knappen, opkræver automaten den normale pris og ikke reservationsprisen.

Når billetten er blevet udstedt, bedes du opbevare den et sikkert sted, gå ind i parkeringskælderen og parkere bilen på en ledig parkeringsplads.

Når du vender tilbage:

Når du vender tilbage til parkeringspladsen, skal du gå hen til pengeautomaterne for at betale. Hvis du har problemer, bedes du henvende dig til den kundeservice, der er integreret i pengeautomaterne. Beløbet beregnes på grundlag af det bookede ophold. Hvis køretøjets faktiske ophold er anderledes, kan dette beløb variere.

Den 5-cifrede alfanumeriske kode i øverste højre hjørne af din kupon kan være nødvendig for AENA-personalet for at kunne administrere ankomster og afgange til og fra parkeringspladsen.


Når du bekræfter din reservation, vil du modtage en bestillingskupon, der indeholder parkeringspladsens adresse og telefonnummer og alle relevante instruktioner og anvisninger. For at se hvor parkeringspladsen er, bedes du se på kortet på hjemmesiden.


  • 24 timer24 timer
  • VideoovervågningVideoovervågning
  • HøjdebegrænsningHøjdebegrænsning
  • OverdækketOverdækket
  • Forsikret parkeringsplads Forsikret parkeringsplads
  • Behold dine nøglerBehold dine nøgler
  • Godt belystGodt belyst
  • AsfalteretAsfalteret
  • Anti-covid foranstaltningAnti-covid foranstaltning

Kunde anmeldelser

Rated 3,8 based on 258 anmeldelser

21. juni 2024

If you know where the parking lot is, it is no problem to find it, but if you have no idea about where it is, it is difficult to find P1 and there are few if any at all signs inside the airport to guide the client back to his car. I would recommend creating a beautiful 3D map of the P1 parking lot so that all clients could easily find it, and put the guiding signs for the arrival passenges to lead them to the P1 parking. It would be nice to describe the procedure of issuing the parking ticket at the entrance and then scanning it at the exit.

2 / 5
19. juni 2024

2 / 5
Simon Torres
17. juni 2024

1 / 5
12. juni 2024

4 / 5
8. juni 2024

Plate recognition did nog function. Support upon entry of parking was missing. Lost 20 minutes to solve the issue upon leaving the parking. Bad experience.

2 / 5
28. maj 2024

A perfect service Drove it took a ticket On leaving put ticket in machine drove out Simple and perfect

5 / 5
Michael Grosse
11. maj 2024

Very bad description of location! Finally parked on different parking.... and lost my prepayment

1 / 5
3. maj 2024

5 / 5
30. april 2024

My little boy accidentally pressed the button on arrival and I was very worried I would be charged again when I exit. I called the company and spoke to a very kind lady who reassured me shall rectify the mind was put to rest and I could go on and enjoy my vacation. Highly recommended this service 👍🏼

5 / 5
24. april 2024

4 / 5
Ivan Molina
15. april 2024

Por error lo metí en el parking express de AENA y me han cobrado 427€ por una semana he puesto una reclamación y ahora pasaré a una denuncia porque me han cobrado la semana alquilada en el parking normal de AENA y además la semana de AENA express por no indicarme donde era exactamente

1 / 5
14. april 2024

Gooogle maps took me through the taxi rank and showed the entrance on the left which was blocked off. Barrier wouldn’t open on my return and I had to g to the office.

4 / 5
Florencia Trave de la
7. april 2024

4 / 5
25. marts 2024

Ukrainian plate is not readable by the system resulting to look for the service man

3 / 5
23. marts 2024

4 / 5
19. marts 2024

Las indicaciones para llegar están mal especificadas y no es posible llegar fácilmente o correctamente según las indicaciones y el sitio de Google maps marcado, deben de actualizar que es por una calle antes y sobre la cuarta puerta de acceso

3 / 5
16. marts 2024

For the second time we could not access the parking because the barrier would not open when we wanted to get in. So we took a ticket. We got a message that our car had been detected on arrival When we wanted to leave we could not go out. It took 45 minutes to finally get out. Horrible!

2 / 5
13. marts 2024

It is always difficult to leave even having pre booked and paid and had the ticket checked in the machine. Had to call assistance to raise barrier as the ticket wasn't accepted.

4 / 5
25. februar 2024

Avoid at all cost if you don’t want to miss your flight

1 / 5
23. februar 2024

I spent a few minutes in short term car park looking for long term then couldn’t get out. Had to pay 3 euros because they said I’d been in there 10 mins. Eventually found car park by which time I was panicking as there were no spaces. Eventually found one and then had quite long walk to terminal. Now I know where they are I would use again but leave more time for any errors. The lady at desk was very helpful and polite when I returned because I thought I might have parked in wrong place and wanted to check ididnt have to pay again to get out.

3 / 5
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