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GoParking T1 Tallinn

Saņemiet Labāko Garantēto Cenu rezervējot šo automašīnu izmantojot ParkVia!

4,1 / 5 (185)


  • Iebraukšanas barjera Iebraukšanas barjera
  • Nakts apsardze Nakts apsardze
  • 24 stundas 24 stundas
  • Gudronēts ceļš Gudronēts ceļš
  • Apsargājama Apsargājama
  • Daudzstāvu Daudzstāvu
  • Pieejams pārskaitījums Pieejams pārskaitījums

GoParking T1 Tallinn Shopping Center Next to Tallinn Airport, there is an airport car park, which is located at the T1 Tallinn Shopping Center Shopping and Entertainment Center. It is 1.5 km from the airport terminal and is easily reached by tram, which runs directly in front of the mall. Travel time is 5 minutes.

On the day of your departure, please drive to the car park at the shopping center T1 Mall of Tallinn using the information in your booking voucher.
On the day of your return, you can pick up your car according to your schedule. More detailed information in your booking voucher. When departing and arriving, all the services of the shopping center are available according to the opening times.

Additional comfort for your flight: The T1 Mall of Tallinn has an airline check-in counter where you can check-in for your flight. The counter is manned and an employee will be happy to help you within the opening hours of the shopping center.

Auto Stāvvlaukumu karte

Ko mūsu klienti saka par auto novietošanu GoParking T1 Tallinn.

Novērtēts 4,1 no 5 balstoties uz 185 vērtējumiem no klientiem, kuri rezervēja stāvvietu GoParking T1 Tallinn izmantojot mūsu pakalpojumus.

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